Dawn Miller, certified speaker trainer coach, is offering a FREE Team Builder to three Currituck county businesses or organizations.
The Leadership game is an interactive team building exercise designed by John Maxwell, world authority on personal development, communication, leadership and growth. Dawn will facilitate the team builder which plays like a board game, while your team plays full on! The experience will naturally reveal your team's strengths, communication style, values, culture and help discover gaps in team members, as well as their own strengths. The experience allows for fun and team building in a way that is thought-provoking, slightly competitive and also a way to show team member appreciation!
There is no strings attached to this offer! The Leadership Game experience is a value of $350. Dawn offers this game as a way to give back, especially during this time where teams need to have some fun, re-engage with each other, and re-ignite their mission, vision and goals for the rest of 2021!
Just email Dawn, DawnM@mymapscoach.com or 757-816-4122 and she'll schedule The Leadership Game for you to experience in person or virtual for your next meeting, team builder, training!