The details are coming together for the 2021 Currituck Farm Festival. Help us spread the word and make sure you're there to celebrate the role of agriculture in our community, learn and experience farm heritage and have a lot of fun!
The event will start with the "Parade of Power" - a farm equipment parade featuring the owners and operators of officially recognized Century Farms in Currituck County. Take some time and view the exhibits to learn about what farm life was like in Currituck in the early 1900s through today.
Do you have memories or experiences to share? Take the opportunity to visit our sound booth, share your history, and be involved in our new podcast, "Rooted in Currituck". The Rooted in Currituck podcast is a journey through the stories of our guests about growing up and growing in Currituck County, North Carolina. We hope the stories told by our farmers, 4-Hers, homemakers and longtime residents paint a more vivid picture of this place. And we aim to highlight and preserve the history of agriculture and agricultural related organizations in our community.
What else can you expect? If you're crafty or have a green thumb, plan now to enter the Handmade and Homegrown contest. Have a talent for heaving heavy things? Try your hand at the skillet or wrench throwing contests. There's plenty of fun for everyone - natives and newcomers alike! For more information register at