The following major site plan applications were submitted and will be reviewed by the Technical Review Committee - TRC (July 13, 2022):

  • PNG- Natural Gas Receiver Station:  The applicant, Duke Energy, submitted a major site plan application to expand the existing utility facility in Sligo at 109 Shawboro Road. The property contains a gas receiver station and is owned by Dwan Craft.


  • QHOC Office Building: The applicant and owner, Allied Properties LLC, submitted a major site plan application to construct a 2,486 square foot office building and a 400 square foot accessory structure in Moyock on Caratoke Highway. The property is located between the railroad right of way and Caratoke Highway, north of Baxter Road.


The following text amendment was submitted and will be reviewed by the TRC (July 13, 2022), Planning Board (tentative date: September 13, 2022), and Board of Commissioners (tentative date: October 3, 2022):

  • Ryan Homes:  The applicant, Ryan Homes, submitted a text amendment application to amend Chapter 5, Section 5.7.3.C.6. of the UDO to allow the 35’ height requirement to be measured from the median roof height to the top of the finished first floor.



The following cases were submitted and will require the board to make a quasi-judicial decision. Board members are not allowed to discuss the case or gather evidence outside of the hearing. You may view the property in question before the hearing but may not talk about the case with the applicant, neighbors, or staff outside of the hearing. 

  • Hans Theyer.: The applicant submitted a special use permit application to allow auto repair service and temporary vehicle impoundment on property owned by Midlantic Builders, LLC in Corolla off Ponton Lane. The proposed construction includes a 30’x30’ garage and a 10’x15 separate office building.


·        Algonquin:  The applicant/owner, Joel and Stacy Justice, submitted a 10-lot, Type I traditional, residential subdivision.  Jarvisburg Elementary School April enrollment exceeds 85% capacity (92%) and a special use permit will be required.   The property is located in Jarvisburg on Indian Kettle Road.