Are you planning the return of your employees to the physical workplace but aren't sure where to start? Consider a refresh! The workplace is changing, and we must adapt. The design of your space can have an impact on many aspects of your business - the health and safety of your staff, employee behavior and productivity, workplace culture, and of course, branding. Workplace is here to help you redesign your workplace with some of our top picks and tips!

  1. Height Adjustable Desks
    Increased movement throughout the day enhances work efficiency and productivity. Employees who alternate between a sitting and standing positions will have more energy and experience reduced fatigue levels. Height-adjustable desks make movement a natural part of the day as you transition from sitting to standing and allows the user to select a working position that is ideal for their body. Many options offer the ability for privacy screens and power access to move as the height-adjustable table moves.
  1. Gallery Panels and Privacy Screens
    With vaccine availability on the rise, things are looking up! But employee health and safety are still important factors when redesigning our spaces for the future. With gallery panels and screens, you can provide your employees with both privacy and social distancing while keeping a sleek clean design.
  1. A Clean Welcoming Entry Space
    If you have clients visiting on a regular basis then you need an entry space or lobby that both communicates your style and welcomes your visitors to a clean and safe environment. Choose lobby furnishings with both durability and inviting comfort to present your personality or brand. If you have high traffic areas, you may want to consider furnishings that offer field replaceable parts and bleach cleanable materials to keep a safe and healthy environment for both clients and employees.
  1. Ergonomic Task Chairs
    A comfortable, supportive, and adaptive task chair that promotes proper sitting posture is important for your employees' comfort and health. For most of us, a majority of our workday is spent in a chair, making it the piece of furniture we rely on most. The right chair will provide support and increase blood circulation, leading to enhanced productivity and fewer worker compensation claims.
  1. Incorporate Plants and Greenery
    As humans we're naturally inclined to connect with nature, which is why it's important to bring in some biophilic elements into your workplace. Plants are proven to reduce stress, clean the air, and decrease noise levels. Planters can also serve as space dividers and promote social distancing when needed.
  1. Areas for Respite and Private Work
    Areas of respite for brain breaks or individual quiet work are important to fostering productivity. Proper lounge furniture can be used to define spaces for small groups or provide privacy for individuals. Design your lounge and respite areas to support real work in underutilized spaces.
  1. Create Adaptable Collaborative Spaces
    What's the point in returning to the office if we don't have the ability to collaborate as a team? Choose furnishings that promote collaboration and adapt as easily as the user. Create spaces that can be arranged to support social distancing but can be easily reconfigured closer together as needed.

Workplace Solutions is here to help reimagine your space and get back to work safely. Contact us for a free and safe consultation! 757-563-2845